Thursday, August 16, 2012

How Spare Change Can Make Dreams A Reality!

Sharing an email sent to us from a Camp Southern Ground Supporter. . .   Thanks Pat Casey!!!

I was at the Peach Festival this past weekend and there was a family of four in front of us.  They were there to see the ZBB show and I was doing the math and figured they dropped close to $400 to get in (we were all up front - the only way to experience the show!!).  So I asked the dad how they decided to see the show and he said after planning a week at the beach they were tapped out.  But he said "lets empty the coin jar" (one of those five gallon plastic water jugs) and he told his family, "what's in there we'll use for the tickets" - That jar had close to 500 bucks in it! 

So how does this relate to raising money for Camp Southern Ground?  It didn't hit me until the next morning when I went shopping on the ZBB site when I saw the Camp T-shirt with the Mason Jar with a "Dream Jar" label. 

How can people save their change and donate it to Camp Southern Ground?  The Dream Jar!  I think the collection of change is an easy and broad-based way to raise a ton a money for the Camp.  

Everybody is dreaming and saving for something... this just opens the door for Camp Southern Ground dreams to become a reality for kids!

Pat Casey

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Why we do what we do at Camp Southern Ground. . .

Sharing a Letter to Zac from Christopher’s Mom, Jennifer Laio

Dear Zac,
This is not an application, but I had to write when I saw what you and your wonderful team are doingAs I watched your video, my eyes filled up with tears. I am a mom of an 8-year-old that is diagnosed with ASD.

His name is Christopher and he has already been through so much in his little life to help him overcome all the obstacles (I'm using my manners by choosing that word) that come with this disorder. I am so proud of him, but each day, or week, or month, we still face challenges. One of our challenges is social skills.
I know that I am not the only Mom to ever say this, nor will I be the last, but it is heartbreaking to watch your child struggle to make friends, or get made fun of I can't just let my boy go out and play with the other kids in the neighborhood. If he tries, which is seldom, he usually comes back home with 10 minutes and says somebody was mean, or just simply, "I don't think they want to play with me, Mom." There are few birthday invitations, play dates, sporting events, etc.

I am not writing this in self-pity, but only to make the point that summertime is not a time that our family can just sit back, take a break and he idle. Just like Marie Sams said in your video, it's crucial that we keep our kids busy. But, most importantly, for them to be surrounded with friends and teachers in an accepting, nurturing and loving environment - like the one you are going to offer.
I don't know you personally, but I feel like I am connected to you somehow because of your spirit and dedication to helping children who have trouble helping themselves. For standing up for those who face challenges in life that come easy for so many others. I applaud your mission, and respect you genuinely for the time and effort you are putting forth to make your dream become a reality.

I was raised in Rome, Georgia, but live in Ohio now. I am so excited for the day when we can come back south, "sink our toes in the clay" and visit your camp! I hope this letter makes it to your hands somehow and you are filled with joy knowing that your cause is a blessing for so many families. I believe you're a vessel that God is working through to help our beautiful, innocent children become stronger and happier.

Prayers for your camp's growth and for all those who will make it possible! 

Jennifer Laio
P.S.  I love your music, too!